Tuesday, April 23, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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Browsing the "Dow Theory" Tag

Make or Break

Make or Break

Scoreboard year to date: Dow up 16.76%, S&P up 21.01%, gold up 24.7% Try a fun experiment: ask everyone you know when you next see them if they own any gold coins and watch their faces go blank. We sit [...]

November 16, 2009 Freedom by Friday
China Syndrome

China Syndrome

Hello again. Ready for the big picture view so you can plan accordingly? What’s really going on out there…? I often like to review things I’ve said in this newsletter previously; it helps me stay on track. This from April [...]

August 16, 2009 Freedom by Friday


At the election, the American people voted for change. They were evidently sick of all the lies and Washington BS. It emerged that a crisis had come about as a result of excess/loose credit and they wanted that to stop [...]

April 27, 2009 Freedom by Friday
For Financial Advice Listen To The Market

For Financial Advice Listen To The Market

The hardest thing about writing this newsletter is that I KNOW you want to hear good news. I KNOW that if I don’t deliver that (or at least put a shiny spin on anything bad) I may lose subscribers which [...]

February 23, 2009 Freedom by Friday