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Browsing the "Middle Class" Tag

The Gap between the Rich and the Poor is more like a Canyon…And It’s Still Growing

The Gap between the Rich and the Poor is more like a Canyon…And It’s Still Growing

A lot has been written about the gap between the wealthy and the poor in this country. You probably hear weekly from a news source that the rich are getting richer and the rest… are getting poorer. The stability of [...]

December 9, 2013 Freedom by Friday
Your Retirement Savings Won’t Be Enough…No Matter How Much You’ve Saved

Your Retirement Savings Won’t Be Enough…No Matter How Much You’ve Saved

Last week I told you about how this so called economic recovery we are in has been limited to the super wealthy. They are the only economic class that has fully recouped their losses sustained in the 2009 recession. Middle [...]

September 30, 2013 Freedom by Friday
The Death of America’s Middle Class

The Death of America’s Middle Class

America the beautiful. America the brave. America the…poor? Well at least some of us are.  Despite every piece of news this week talking about the rapidly rising stock market, Americans for the most part are still worse off than they [...]

September 23, 2013 Freedom by Friday