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Monthly Archives: April 2024

Can You Spot The Millionaire?

Can You Spot The Millionaire?

The Secret to Real Wealth Some of us believe that rich people know something that the rest of us don’t; that at some point in their lives they were let in on a little-known secret. And they’ve used that knowledge [...]

October 9, 2019 Uncategorized
How Unbelievably Awful Any of Trump’s Replacements Would Be

How Unbelievably Awful Any of Trump’s Replacements Would Be

This is turning into the most boring impeachment inquiry of all time, almost. (I tried to study Andrew Johnson’s impeachment before writing this. Now that was the most boring impeachment ever.) First, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refuses to hold a [...]

October 8, 2019 Uncategorized
The Power of Discipline

The Power of Discipline

The Power of Discipline Discipline is one of the most important secrets to achieving your goals. When I was younger, I denied to myself that this was one of the secrets of becoming a millionaire, or achieving anything else of [...]

October 7, 2019 Uncategorized
Lucrative Opinions

Lucrative Opinions

Product Reviews Profits: Making Extra Cash by Expressing Your Opinion We’ve all seen the flurry of reviews every time some new electronic gadget hits the market, whether it’s the newest iPhone, the newest laptop, or the hot Android tablet. The [...]

October 4, 2019 Uncategorized
Cheesegate: Or, Why the Entire World Loves or at Least Respects Trump

Cheesegate: Or, Why the Entire World Loves or at Least Respects Trump

Sometimes you need to take two steps back and remember what an incredibly fun time it is to be alive. Hillary Clinton is not the President of the United States. As the kids say, LOL! The real Russian colluders are [...]

October 3, 2019 Uncategorized
Media Can’t Hide These Links Between Soros and the Whistle Blower

Media Can’t Hide These Links Between Soros and the Whistle Blower

About a week ago, Democrats started up this impeachment frenzy. They claimed that there was clear evidence of a quid pro quo between President Trump and the president of Ukraine. According to that impeachment effort, President Trump leveraged military aid [...]

October 3, 2019 Uncategorized
Drastically Lowering Healthcare Bills

Drastically Lowering Healthcare Bills

Medical Misery: How to Lower Your Expensive Healthcare Bills Do you know what the most common reason Americans cite when filing for bankruptcy? I’ll give you a hint. It has nothing to do with poor money management skills, credit cards [...]

October 2, 2019 Uncategorized
Trump’s Right Again: This Can and Will Lead to Civil War

Trump’s Right Again: This Can and Will Lead to Civil War

Now that the intelligence community has launched yet another soft coup attempt at removing a duly elected president, the surrender wing of the Republican Party is twisting their bow ties in knots because Donald Trump has dared to say exactly [...]

October 1, 2019 Uncategorized