The ObamaGate criminal conspiracy is about much more than just President Trump, Gen. Mike Flynn, Roger Stone and the other unfortunate folks who were falsely accused of Russian collusion. Everyone needs to understand that this was a crime against America, and it was a crime against you as an individual.
Everyone needs to wrap their heads around the fact that Obama spied on you and your loved ones, just as he spied on everyone in the Trump family (including 14 year old Baron). He did this because he wanted “his people” to have dictator-like control over America forever.
This was treason and we shouldn’t be afraid to say so. And no, I’m not using the word “treason” flippantly like the Enemy of the People media does when they claim Trump committed “treason” by withholding some money from a country in Eastern Europe that none of us could hope to find on a map. ObamaGate was real treason – the type that carries the death penalty as a solution. And it predates President Trump by several years.
Barack Obama put an actual, literal communist in charge of the CIA. With the assistance of John Brennan, Obama established an illegal, off-the-books domestic spying apparatus here in the United States. This operation is larger than anything that Edward Snowden revealed when he leaked the secret NSA spying information to WikiLeaks. Obama did this because he (or his handlers) understand that information is power – the power to control elections and America’s future, regardless of what those pesky voters think they want.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) spilled the beans on Obama’s illegal spying operation (ObamaGate) years ago, before any of us even knew that Donald Trump would run for president in 2016. She may not be America’s dumbest Member of Congress (See: Hirono, Mazie), but Maxine Waters is definitely America’s biggest blabbermouth. Here’s what she said about Obama’s illegal domestic spying program back in 2013:
“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful. That database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They’re going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can’t get around it. And he’s been very smart. It’s very powerful, what he’s leaving in place.”
The public-private spying operation put in place by Obama, which spies on and collects “everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before,” has a name:
The Hammer.
ObamaGate is the criminal conspiracy that we know about. The Hammer is the treasonous tool that led to the scandal that most people have never heard of.
Gen. Mike Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, said this over the weekend on Fox Business:
“Flynn was going to audit the Intel agencies as he came into the White House and that was one of the things they were terrified of. Plus they knew at NSA he would immediately discover their FISA abuses and the incredible widespread general surveillance abuses of the administration. I don’t know whether it’s from Mr. Brennan’s fusion center that he set up to focus on whoever he wanted to focus on, or whether it’s something called The Hammer, what it is there was a massive surveillance operation, very widespread, by the Obama administration to surveil all political opponents and anybody else they wanted to collect information on using the NSA databases, their own little research operation.”
If the full truth of what Barack Obama and the Deep State did to subvert America ever comes out, it is going to shake people to their core. People are excited because acting DNI Richard Grenell finally released the list of people who “unmasked” Gen. Mike Flynn. That’s good news, but we haven’t even scratched the surface of ObamaGate yet. This is misdirection to make us all think that ObamaGate was just a handful of fudged FISA warrants and the Steele dossier.
That’s not true. The real scandal of ObamaGate was and is The Hammer, which Barack Obama and his friends left in place when they left office. They are spying on everything, on every individual, in ways that have never been done before – even though many of them are no longer in power. And it is all illegal and designed to ensure that we the people never get to elect one of our candidates again. We’re only supposed to elect “their people,” if they even intended to keep elections in place at all when The Hammer was fully implemented.
These people did not have allegiance to the American people or the US government. Their allegiance was to themselves and their own power. That’s treason. President Trump seems to be the only person in Washington who is willing to call it “treason” right now. The rest of us need to call it “treason” as well, because this crime was committed against all of us.
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