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League of Power

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Browsing the "entrepreneurs" Tag

Call Center Riches

Call Center Riches

“How Can I Make Money With MY OWN Call Center?” 6:07 AM Question: I’ve researched “call centers” until my fingers were blue. Now I’ll ask the street smart “guru”.  How can I make money with MY OWN call center? D.S. [...]

October 8, 2010 Weekend Business Blueprint
The Low Tech Option

The Low Tech Option

How To “Cash In” with an Unusual Low Tech Business and Achieve High Tech Results! 7:19 AM Dear Entrepreneur: I was exposed to a business recently which frankly…surprised me. That doesn’t happen often to “The King”! Actually, I knew the [...]

October 1, 2010 Weekend Business Blueprint
League of Power – Weekend Blueprint

League of Power – Weekend Blueprint

How Can I Determine if a Potential Investment is Overpriced? Question: I’m not a savvy investor by any means. But I haven’t lost a fortune chasing hot stocks, real estate or other investments either. Over the past four years my [...]

September 3, 2010 Weekend Business Blueprint
Is It Smart to Buy?

Is It Smart to Buy?

“Do You Have a Formula When Considering a Business Purchase”? Question: I’m considering several businesses for purchase. I know you prefer starting businesses from the ground up. But time is an issue for me, and I would rather buy. Do [...]

August 13, 2010 Weekend Business Blueprint
Living OFF The Grid

Living OFF The Grid

Can You Recommend Places to Live “Off the Grid”? Is This Type of Lifestyle Really Feasible? M.S. San Diego CA Answer Marc Charles: Living “off the grid” can be a tremendous reward for anyone involved in business and making money. [...]

June 11, 2010 Weekend Business Blueprint
Can You Become A New Age Farmer?

Can You Become A New Age Farmer?

Digital Farmers Reaping Cash Hand Over Fist “You’ve gotta be kidding me” I asked. “Nope…It’s true. That’s my cash crop”, my friend replied with a smirk. My friend, J.P. invited into a back room filled with a dozen sleek computer [...]

May 7, 2010 Weekend Business Blueprint
Will Real Estate Ever Come Back?

Will Real Estate Ever Come Back?

Can I Make Money with Real Estate in a Depression? Question: Marc, what’s your take on making money with real estate in the current economy? M.F. Apple Valley MN Marc Charles: The answer is yes…anyone can make money with real [...]

April 16, 2010 Weekend Business Blueprint