Wednesday, February 12, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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What Swing Voters Are Saying About Trump and Joe Biden

Election watchers always pay attention to swing voters in years like this, because they can make a difference in the outcome in November. It’s hard to predict how these indecisive people who don’t pay that much attention to politics are going to vote. News outlet “Axios” just did a big forum in the battleground state of Michigan, to try to plump up Joe Biden’s support there – because there’s zero chance that Joe Biden will set foot in that state this year. (Biden has traveled less than 100 miles since March.) To put it mildly, swing voters aren’t swinging in Biden’s direction this year.

Keep in mind when you read the swing voter responses that Axios is not a Trump-supporting media outlet. The founder of the news site is Jim VandeHei. VandeHei used to work for the Washington Post and later founded Politico. Disillusioned by Politico’s failure to help elect Hillary Clinton in 2016, VandeHei left that company to launch Axios. So, the purpose of Axios interviewing swing voters, independents and undecideds in Michigan is undoubtedly to show Americans that totally authentic groundswell of grassroots for Joe Biden that exists out there, and which proves that all the polls showing Biden is up by 12 points are totally accurate!

Just as a side note, can you get fired for quoting Joe Biden at your workplace? For example, if you walk into a staff meeting next week and say, “Poor kids are just as smart as white kids,” “You ain’t black,” or “Unlike the African-American community, Hispanics are incredibly diverse,” would you lose your job? If you make it clear that you are quoting Joe Biden, do you get to keep your job? Inquiring minds want to know!

Anyway, Axios parachuted into Michigan to show us what swing voters are saying about the amazing No Malarkey candidate. Keep in mind that these are real quotes, from real Americans, who don’t pay that much attention to politics. Here’s what they told Axios about Joe Biden:

“I just feel that what he’s saying… is not making any sense to me.”

“I don’t think that Biden is mentally capable of being president.”

One swing voter said that Biden is “up there in age” and beginning to “show signs of dementia.” That voter also called Biden a “puppet” that is “controlled by a lot of people in the deep state.”

“He becomes lost in his answers.”

One voter was disturbed by Biden because of “all of these ridiculous things that come out of his mouth or his stuttering.”

Ouch. Those are brutal quotes.

Joe Biden has now been in politics for 50 years. He ran for his first office in 1970. But every single one of the swing voters was stumped by this question:

Name a Joe Biden accomplishment.

The swing voters who don’t pay much attention to politics didn’t have that problem when asked about Trump’s accomplishments. They described the smorgasbord of winning – so much winning(!) – that we’ve been seeing for nearly four years now.

They noted Trump’s leadership on the economy, which was doing great before the pandemic and which is bouncing back now. They don’t blame Trump for the coronavirus. They praised his stance against China and how jobs are being brought back to the US. They noted his strong support for borders and keeping illegal aliens out. They said that Trump is not a politician and that he cannot “be bought” by anyone. They praised him for slashing regulations and said that Trump has done a better job for America than the previous two administrations combined.

And finally, they noted that Trump has dealt with so many problems this year – from the virus to the riots and so forth – that they doubt that anyone else could have done a better job than he has. The swing voters also thought the idea of “defunding the police” is crazy and were upset that so many media figures are calling the riots in American cities “peaceful protests.”

Axios did finally manage to find one swing voter who said she’ll vote for Biden in November. But even she admitted that she’s not voting “for Joe Biden.” She’s voting “against Donald Trump.”

All signs continue to point to an epic Trumpslide in November. No one is excited about a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris presidency. History has shown that voters who say they’re going to the polls to vote “against” an incumbent president typically don’t actually go to the polls at all on election day.

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